Do you need new ideas?

We want to suggest a way for find some new ideas this week. We are not suggesting that you steal material from anyone, but now and then you want to find little ways to get new ideas to use in your show.

We have an idea for you that is very enjoyable. Simply take some time and go to Youtube. Don’t search for a particular ventriloquist. Rather just search “ventriloquists” and begin watching as many videos as you have time for. Take some notes if you spot a new technique that you can use in your act.

Maybe some of the script material can be modified and become useful to you. Don’t even think about copying someone Else’s act, but if they have a joke that you can modify or if it just gives you an idea you can build on then you have something new to work with.

We have taken the work out of searching for you. Here is the link

Have fun and we will talk again next week.

Steve and JET

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