From time to time we get a request from someone that shows a spark of creativity. Recently a person contacted us and asked if they could have the face of “X” puppet, and the hands of “Y” puppet, the body of “Z” puppet. The end result was a very unique creation that we would never come up with on our own just because it was so different.
While it was completely different, it did in fact turn out to be a very unique puppet that will give this person many years of good service.
The way this was done is as follows:
The person went to the website and just started going through each of the puppets we have up on the site. They settled on the look of a certain face. From there they started adding body parts from each of about six other puppets. This may not be the ticket for you, but it is an idea of how you can arrive at something that NOBODY else has anything like.
This is a quick topic for this week to give you a little extra time to go to the website and just start looking through everything. Take a scrap piece of paper and start with a face that you would like to see something similar to.
Write down “face” and the product number such as C23. Then start looking for arms, legs, feet, body, breasts etc. Even if you don’t come up with something that you want to order, it is good practice at putting something together and it is a blast doing it. It is a bit like the way we all used to play Mr. Potatohead when we were kids.
In the process you may come up with a clear definition of something that we don’t even have on the website. If that happens make good notes on what you are visualizing and lets talk. Listening and putting together something from your mind to JET’s hand can be a very rewarding experience with great results.
That is all for now folks,
Steve and JET