This is the time of year when we should all begin thinking about holiday bookings and shows. However, before we start seeking bookings, we should start by thinking about the right characters and material that we will want to present as our show.
It is already a bit late to order a Christmas puppet for this year, (although it is still very timely for next year). JET has taken the time to get one such character ready and up on the “Available Now” section of the website that would be ready for this years shows. Take a minute and check out a new character named “Bow”. He is a Christmas elf and will help you spread tidings of peace and joy to your audiences.
Also up on the holiday theme (for spook night) is a young werewolf named Miles. We don’t usually use the blog to “push” puppets but because of the closeness of the seasons, I thought I would take just a minute to make sure that everyone had the opportunity to see some really fun characters that are already to go for this year.
Even if you are not interested in either of these characters, maybe it will help stimulate your imaginations to know how to re-purpose a puppet that you already have on hand.
Take a look at these two guys and see if they will help get your creative juices flowing.
That’s all for now folks,
We will talk again real soon.
Steve & JET