The question about what are you doing with your left hand is relevant only if your are using your right hand to hold your puppet. If you are using your left hand to hold your puppet the same question would be true of your right hand.
The reason for asking the question is that I have noticed several vents (nobody in particular) with their none puppet hand just hanging at their side looking limp and useless. The point is this. Your opposite hand needs to be doing something. It can be used to express emotion, constantly straightening the puppets legs (not our personal favorite) OR you could put it to good use by using it to control an Arm Rod (our personal favorite).
If it is used to control an armrod, your audience will subconsciously ignore the arm. Their minds know that it is doing a useful function so unlike focusing in on the fact that the arm is just “dead” and wondering if you have a physical disability folks will just ignore the movement of the arm. They will be busy taking note of the movement of the puppets arm instead.
Anyway find something for your opposite arm to do.
That’s all for now folks,
Steve and JET
P.S. Check out the new selection of Kreative Kritters