Something New

Ever watch an old Japanese Monster movie where the sound is out of sync with the pictures? Seems like a small thing, but even though it is a small thing it sticks in your mind and you remember it years later.
Another possibility would be for you to “reverse” your act with your puppet. Don’t panic, we will explain what we are talking about.
In your normal act you use your voice and move your lips when you are talking either to your audience or to your puppet. At the same time, when your puppet is talking, the puppets mouth is moving and your mouth is not moving. Your puppet has a distinct sounding voice which is different from your voice and your voice is different from the puppet.
Now, pay close attention. With a straight face and pretending that you don’t know you are doing it, swap voices with your puppet for a few minutes at a time. When your mouth is moving, and you are obviously speaking, let it be the puppets voice that is heard by your audience. At the same time, when the puppets mouth is moving and the puppet is speaking, let the puppet speak with your voice. Make sure when the puppets mouth is moving and it is speaking with your voice, that your mouth is NOT moving.
In short, we are describing a complete reversal of roles between you and your puppet. After just a short time, you and your puppet can stare at each other, both of you shake your heads and then without further comment both of you resume your roles as normal.
Your audience with thing that you just made a mistake and they will laugh with enjoyment at the screw up, but they will not know that you have just pulled off a trick that takes a lot of skill to do.
This as most things take a great deal of practice, but those that know the art will see and respect your skill level.
We will talk again next week,
Steve and JET