This is about the time of year when a form of depression can get to us. We get up in the morning and its dark outside. We finally get off work in the early evening and it’s dark. (Those of us who have full time jobs.) It just seems that the whole world is a dark place. Bookings are often at their slowest this time of year.
Well don’t let the blues get to you. It is a proven fact that this period between Winter and Spring is one of the most emotionally tough times of the year. No, it’s not just you. It works that way for most of us. You are maybe not getting the bookings you want because other people are having problems with the Winter Blues as well. At the end of the day, they just want to go home, eat and go to bed.
There is nothing I can say to change this seasonal depression other than this. Usually, by the time it strikes we are getting real close to the end of this season. Just by realizing what it is can help us pick our chins up and keep on going. This is not a good time to spend a lot of time watching the news (that can be depressing any time of the year).
It’s just another three or four weeks (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) before you will walk outside and suddenly it will feel like Spring. You will start to see some of the early flowers start to poke up from their long naps, and the air on your arms will begin to make you feel like being outside once again.
So cheer up. There is nothing wrong with you. It’s just that time of year.
That’s all for now
Steve and JET