Something New

Something for you to think about. Does your voice and your Puppets voice sound to similar? Do they sound like the same voice speaking? It is very hard to tell as you perform, so you need to go a different direction to know for sure.
Turn to your trusty tape recording device. We don’t recommend a video for this task since you don’t need to divert your attention to other things. Lets only concentrate on voice here.
Turn your recording device on and record at least 5 minutes of your act. This will enable you to relax and get into your routine. Only pay attention to performing your act. The recorder will tell you what you need to know when you are through.
After you finish performing for a least 5 minutes, set your puppet down and rewind your recorder. Now sit down, turn your recorder on in play mode and close your eyes. Right now you are just the audience. Listen carefully and pay attention to each voice as you are performing. Does it sound like the same voice doing both your lines and your puppets lines. If it does, then you have your work cut out for you.
Ideally you want to sound completely different with each different character you use in your act. Don’t feel like a failure if there is too much similarity. Even some of the “big” names have issues with this, so you will not be alone.
Keep working to improve and we will talk again next week.
Steve and JET
Good advice. However you will be much better at hearing what is (wrong, right, undifferent) about the voices if you let some time pass before you listen to them. Like a day or so