Something New

Something for you to keep in mind and have a plan for is that inevitable event when you are performing and forget your next line.
You are moving along and all of a sudden your mind comes up blank. If you have a plan to cover your failure, you can think quickly and implement your plan. Your audience will never know there was a mess up.
One possible solution is to have your puppet heckle you. When you forget a line, you will have a look of confusion on your face. This would be the ideal time for your puppet to look at you and say “Hey Dummy – has the cat got your tongue”?
From here you can go anywhere you want. You can rebuke the puppet with a line like “Who are you to call me a dummy”?
Think it through. Maybe you don’t even need to have forgotten anything. Maybe you can just use the idea as a way to spruce up your act. Either way you have something new. Come up with several different ideas on what you can do in a moments notice to fill in a gap.
We will talk again next week.
Steve and JET