One week from next Monday, we pack up our clothes, gather up as many puppets as we can find, and load it all in the car for our annual pilgrimage to the land of fun and insanity.
Some people might call it Vent Haven ConVENTion, but we just call it home away from home.
This is the time each year when we “charge” our batteries. We look forward each year to seeing all of our old friends and finally getting to meet many of you that we have only been able to talk to on the phone or by email.
Much is left to be done in order to be ready in time, so we are going to keep this short in order to be ready to go. We will talk again real soon.
Steve & JET
I enjoy your blog, and getting the notifications so I can read each time you post. This year is my first ever ConVENTion. I am so excited! Have to fly in, but have figured out how to get my dummy there without putting his head in the suitcase. Been building my own carrier for just his head as I could not find one I felt would properly protect him. I can hardly wait to see all the glorious puppets in person and take classes!