If you did not get time to read last weeks newsletter, we are undergoing what for us are big changes. In an attempt to radically change the way we do things we have discontinued taking custom orders. We are in the process this week of working with our webmaster Steve Hurst to make the needed changes on the website.
To that end, you will find that some things that you are used to seeing are no longer functional. However, I can explain a few things that are going on. We decided not to do away with all the photos of the puppets from the past. If someone new came to the site and all we had were 8 or 9 Available Now puppets, they might get the impression that we only had those puppets and they would not begin watching for what they wanted.
In the context of “Past Puppets” there are no prices showing with them as none of them are available for sale. They are just for your imaginative process to help give you ideas. Three of the puppets that were up on “Available Now” last week are gone.
We have added two new puppets, Spanky and Andrea.
Thanks so much for your patience as we make this transition. We think this will be better for you and for us when it is complete.
Steve and JET