Just got big news from Maher Studios. For the last three years as most of you know, since the death of Clinton Detweiler, Maher Studios has been jointly run by Mark Wade, Ken Groves and Tom Crowl.
The announcement was made today that Mark Wade and Ken Groves were both stepping down from their operating positions.
Mark has a travel schedule that is now demanding much of his time and he also has the full time task of keeping the Vent Haven Ventriloquist ConVENTion running.
Ken Groves is working full time with the Amish Country Theatre and has also stepped down.
This leaves the daily operational duties of Maher on Tom Crowl. We all want to wish Tom the best of luck in his increased capacity at Maher. We know that he can handle the task quite well.
We will talk again next week.
Steve and JET
Tom, Good luck in your endeavor to keep Maher Studios up and running. I am glad it is still going, thought it had died with Clinton. It was hard enough to see the NAAV go under, I had been a member of it for years.
I am new to the community, but knowing how much work something like this IS, I do hope there is someone who will join with him to help keep this load from becoming overwhelming. Batman had Robin, so I hope Tom Crowl will find a sidekick.