Don’t Forget to Let Christmas help you spread the Joy

Just a reminder. Don’t miss out on a wonderful opportunity to both spread the good tidings of Christmas, AND to take advantage of a great chance to build your Ventriloquist business.

“How would I do that?”, you might ask. It is very easy to do. Pick two or three of your best characters and re costume them for the Christmas season. For instance, if you have a baby, dress him up and put him in a manger.

Dress one or two other characters up as wise men and have them standing next to the manger. Find a suitable back drop and photograph the scene. Then use the photo as your Christmas card to all your customers for this year and any others that you might want to include on your list for distribution.

Maybe you could take a character and dress it up like Santa and make a quit but inexpensive cardboard box into a fireplace with the puppet coming out of the fireplace with some relevant caption for the season.

Again, take pictures and use the opportunity for Christmas cards. The important thing is that you be sincere – everybody can see a fake. Don’t let the chance go by to get your name and act in front of those who have already hired you.

Do NOT exploit the season with the type of things that are trying to get another booking. What you need to accomplish is to get your name back in front of the folks who hired you this year. After all, they did hire you once. Keep your act in front of them without being “classless”. Wish them and their families an honest and sincere Merry Christmas, and thank them for being part of a great year for you. That is all that you need to do.

Many people have a table or a wall where they post all their Christmas cards. When others come into their office or home, they look at the Christmas cards on display. Plant seeds for next year. If ten seeds yields one new sprout, you will more than pay for the expense of having done this.

You get the idea.

Thats all for now folks, We will talk again real soon.

Steve and JET

1 thought on “Don’t Forget to Let Christmas help you spread the Joy”

  1. Excellent idea! See

    Our marketing pitch:
    TheRealBeardedSanta™ will bring Santa’s wise-cracking 40″ elf and Santa’s Talking Dog to entertain your guests. Just like last year at Boston’s Ritz-Carlton Christmas Day Brunch, we will also go from table to table entertaining your guests. Holiday music, ventriloquist humor, photos with Santa and much more.

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