Who is your favorite Ventriloquist???

Each of us has a favorite Ventriloquist. Let’s take a few minutes to examine our favorite. What makes this person so admirable to us? Is it their puppets? The puppets character? Or is it the Vents style of delivery and humor?

Take a little time to watch several videos of this favorite Ventriloquist. Take some notes on what it is that you really enjoy about this Vent. Next, take each point on your notes and ask yourself this question. “Since I like this ____________ part of his/her act, what can I do to improve my act by adding this little trait?”

Remember, we don’t want to copy the other Vent, but there is some reason why you so enjoy his/her style of performing. Since you enjoy this person, is there something about his/her act that would improve your act. Is it their range of voice? Is it the fact that they don’t move their lips? Is it the way that they manipulate the puppet? Is it the way that they seem to make the puppet come alive?

Are they playing the straight guy to the puppet, or is the puppet playing the straight guy to them? Does the puppet have an attitude that makes them funny or is the puppet sweet and adorable? What is there about the character that makes you identify with both the puppet and the performer?

We could go on and on with questions that you need to ask, but you can formulate your own questions about your particular performer and his/her puppet partner. Take this time to see what you really enjoy about this person and see what you can do to breathe more life into your performance with your partner.

Tell us who YOUR favorite ventriloquist is and why…below in the comments section. We’d love to know.

That’s all for now folks,

Steve and JET

7 thoughts on “Who is your favorite Ventriloquist???”

  1. If I had to pick one of the current vents I would say Jay Johnson. I’ve been watching him ever since he appeared in SOAP. Of those that are gone, it would be Paul Winchell. I don’t know if there was a better Vent that had the control of a dummy than he?

  2. Just one? As far as vents are concerned, I’d have to say Edgar Bergen. His manipulation was second to none! Yes, he moved his lips, but you hardly noticed because how “alive” Charlie, Mortimer, and Effie were. Were any figures any more alive than them? many come close, but they are still the standard to live up to. A close second to Edgar isn’t even a ventriloquist at all. It’s the comedy team of Abbott and Costello. Their style, delivery, and humor were fantastic! Plus it was totally clean. My main figure is patterned after Lou Costello. A little on the slow side, but definitely not stupid. if he gets the ball, he’ll run with it. Problem is, he may run the wrong direction. He’s cute, lovable, and always polite. It’s very easy to adopt their style and material for church work (which I do mostly). Try doing that with Jeff Dunham’s material.

  3. Hi.
    bill mathew is absolutely
    as a puppeteer and new
    business owner, the
    vent work l do along with
    hand puppets, l try to keep
    a clean performance.
    people l find can get easly
    offended by content of a act.
    l did a small stag party and
    they wanted dirty jokes.
    I don’t do jokes at all in any

  4. Bob Abdou.
    A great entertainer, ventriloquist and puppeteer.
    He shares his knowledge generously and is a nice guy.

  5. I must say over-all it would have to be Edgar Bergen as he was a G rated vent. He did not need to use 4 letter words, or off color jokes to be funny.
    As today vent I must vote for Dan Horn. Also does G rated shows. It seem he is not only make you enjoy his show, but seem to be enjoying his figure as well. Making your figure come to life is a talent. Keeping that figure indentity and personality consist is what makes a great show and showman.

  6. Paul Winchell as far as the classics go he was so incredibly innovative and always wanted to go a step further with Ventriloquism. Also Shari Lewis her characters where truly alive

    Currently I have to say Carla Rhodes. Her act is so incredibly different and new and she is one of the most creative Vents out there. She is definitely currently my favorite.

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