As we told you last Friday, when we arrived at the Vent Haven ConVENTion we would send you pictures of all the puppets we brought this year. The purpose is to give our followers a chance to purchase something you want before the big show starts at 9:00 P.M. CST tonight. If you are the first to show an interest and can get your payment to us via PayPal, we will ship it on Tuesday of next week when we return to the Shoppe.
If you send us a note at , describe as best as you can the puppet you are interested in. If it is still available we will confirm its status and tell you the price including shipping.
Then you can go to your PayPal account and send the correct amount of money to As soon as we receive the funds we will send you a confirmation email. We can start this process at 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M.
Enjoy and we hope you get what you want.
Steve and JET