We sometimes get asked the question by newbies “What should I bring to ConVENTion” if I come?”
Since we are just about 6 weeks away from our annual funfest at Vent Haven ConVENTion this seems like a good time to put a couple of suggestions out there for you to remember.
First, Bring the puppet that you most use so you can sit around venting with others in between sessions when you are just having fun.
Bring a note pad so that you can take notes from the different classes that you attend. At the end of ConVENTion you will scratch your head and say “What was I going to remember?” Bring a note pad so you can remember and put to good use all the great information that you will be exposed to.
Bring a camera or good cell phone with video capabilities. You are going to meet so many people that you know of but have never seen that you will be able to fill a scrap book in just 3 days. (Do not forget to bring a charger. Dead phones are useless.)
Autograph book. If you are a collector of autographs, bring your autograph book.
Bring a puppet that you have been struggling to find the right character for. There are tons of pro’s/semi pro’s who will be there that will be happy to make suggestions about how to use this puppet.
Bring your JET puppet so that you can take part in The Dummy Shoppe group photo.
Money. Sounds silly, but set yourself a realistic budget that you want to spend while you are at ConVENTion. Whether you are wanting to buy a puppet or books or other memorabilia related to the Vent world, be prepared for that item that you just can’t live without.
Last but not least, bring deodorant, toothbrush and comb/brush. Everyone else will thank you for not forgetting those items.
Thats all for this week, The countdown continues.
Steve and JET