Sink your teeth into this!!!

We told you a couple of weeks ago that we were on the verge of something new that we wanted to tell you about. We were going to do this last week, but we had some technical difficulties with our computer, and our Webmaster, Steve Hurst was good enough to post a short announcement for us so it did not look like we just forgot to come to class that day.

Anyway, a little background. For several years, JET has told me that she hated the standard soft sculptured teeth that everyone else uses. They just did not look real enough to her and contributed to making the puppet not look real.

After much experimentation, JET has finally rolled out her new “Real Teeth”. Yes, they are a $100.00 option, but they sure make a difference in the look of a puppet.

Depending on the type puppet you are wanting, the teeth can either be bright white and looking like a beauty pageant, or if your character is a hillbilly from the forest, they can be unkept looking with broken teeth and yellowed to the point that you can almost hear the character saying “Squeal like a pig”.

In a critter, they can add a real touch of humor. This first character is just a cat. The same cat with a mouthfull of “Real Teeth” looks like he is trying to be a human. Compare these two pictures:



Then we have a little intellectual hillbilly who thinks he is cultured enough to fit into high society. His teeth on the other hand tell a different story.


One of the things that makes a big difference is “moisture”. Traditional puppet teeth look like the character is suffering from cotton mouth. Real Teeth make the puppet appear to be living. You can see the reflection of “saliva” on the teeth, just like you should expect in a living being.

Consider the next picture of the middle aged lady, who really likes younger men and who thinks she is still capable of capturing one. . . .


We know that Real Teeth are not for every character, just like they may not be for every vent. However, we think our job is to make every option available to you. Each set of Real Teeth is custom sculpted just for that individual character. Just imagine what we can do for you if you want a vampire! Or a princess, or ????? You fill in the blank.

If you want a look-a-like of a particular celeb or of yourself, all we need is a picture of that person with a big toothy grin and JET can sculp the teeth to match the character.

We don’t recommend that you do both uppers and lowers in the same puppet as this may create a conflict of interest. (In the interest of the teeth not beating each other to death).

Anyway, the Real Teeth will be on public display for the first time at the 2012 Vent Haven ConVENTion, but we wanted to give you a private preview of just a few of them so you would be more inspired to come by this year and take a look at the new feature.

Thats all for now folks,

Steve & JET

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