Ever lay awake on Christmas Eve and anticipate the events of the next day? Well, thats what it feels like the last couple of days before we load up and take off down the highway for Vent Haven ConVENTion.
The anticipation makes the waiting that much harder to be patient. Just knowing how we look forward to seeing our Vent Family every year, and to sit around the table and swap stories of all the experiences we have had in the last year.
Then there will be the pain of looking around the room at several empty chairs, knowing that we won’t have the pleasure of seeing this one or that one who has gone on to their eternal reward. How we will miss each of those who are absent from us.
We look forward to seeing the younger generation and taking note of how their skills have developed in the last twelve months. We just never tire of all the sights and sounds that go with being in the middle of a room with over 600 Ventriloquists.
We hear all the voices, and try to figure who who is talking because not enough lips are moving to be able to tell.
The suspense is almost enough to drive you nuts, but this is how it is the last few days every year. By the next time I write this blog, we will be in our last two days of VHC 2015.
If you haven’t been yet, start making your plans to be there in 2016.
We will talk again real soon.
Steve and JET