Some Ideas for you to Consider

I think it is fairly well known that JET can do look-a-like characters when you need to get one for a specific purpose.

Recently, we had a friend contact us about a project she had in mind. Her dear father had passed and she was wanting to respectfully memorialize him. She sent us photos of him in his latter days for us to work from.

Our objective was to make the puppet as a look-a-like while at the same time capturing his personality based on what we had been told.
Here are the photos that JET worked from.


JET wanted to capture some major items that came across from the photos. JB (his name) was known as a very kind man who would never want to hurt anyone. He was a very gentle man with a lively sense of humor and a ready smile to greet you. He cared for those around him.

Here is the end result.


We thoroughly enjoyed working on this project as it also brought to mind certain aspects of a few of our departed family members.

Keep this in mind as you try to figure out how you would like to remember someone dear to you.

That is all for now folks. We will talk again next week.

Steve and JET

1 thought on “Some Ideas for you to Consider”

  1. JB arrived safely. He is just wonderful! I can’t wait to start using him. He looks so much better than his pictures. Thank you so much for using him in your blog. It was a surprise to see his pictures and then the puppet as the end result. I have found with the another puppet that I purchased from you, Little Linda, that the more you use them they start taking on their own personality. I am closer to her than I ever thought I would be to a puppet. She is like my grandchild.
    JB was sitting on the couch when my son was getting ready for work. He said that when he saw him on the couch it looked like grandpa was sitting there. I cant’ thank you enough for the wonderful job you did. It’s like having DaD back with us!

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