Now that it is December, it is time for the traditional hustle and bustle of the season. One of the things we think of this time of year is the amount of stress that each of of sometimes feels. To that end we are recycling one of our newsletters from a couple of years ago because it has some very relevant thoughts on the subject. So here goes.
Just a little reminder this week. This holds true not only for the area of Ventriloquism, but for almost every area of life as well.
We all have times when due to hectic schedules in this fast paced life most of us lead, that we feel the world is closing in around us. At the very point when your only option seems to be to let out a heartening scream, just remind yourself that others may be having a bad day as well.
First, stop and think of something. Be glad that life is moving so quickly. A life without stress and pressure would be most boring. If nothing is going on in your world, you are living a very boring world that most certainly would be worse than death itself. Take time to be thankful for all of lifes little stresses. The alternative would be to be lonely. This is not what you want either.
Next thing is to look at those around you that you love or think kindly toward. They might be having a worse day than you are. Do you want to blow up (in order to vent your own pressure) make their lives less fun on them? When you are around someone who is releasing stress by losing control, do you want to even be there? A hand grenade does not have to be thrown at you to do damage. It still hurts if you are just close by when it goes off.
If you are stressed out getting ready to go on stage that is normal. But in the process control your reactions so that those who are there with you won’t regret that they are with you. Take a deep breathe and just focus on the very next thing that needs to be done. Be glad if it is someone else’s incompetence that is the problem. At least it is not you!!! And if the truth were known most people don’t mess up on purpose, they simply have not had the training that you have had.
You will find over time that to keep your cool when you might have blown up will buy you the respect and admiration of those around you. So, just remember to absorb the little things and you will be looked up to, not avoided by others. Keeping your cool is habit forming. The more you exercise you get at it, the easier it gets.
That’s all for now, we will talk again soon.
Steve & JET