We are always asked the question by our younger vents, “How do I get to be known in my community”?
Well you are in one of the two best times of the year for this method.
Check out all the craft shows in your area. Rent a booth at the show. Tell the promoter that you are not selling anything, but that you are just wanting to entertain the kids at their show. You may be surprised. You could possibly get free rent at some shows. Craft show promoters are always looking for that “New” twist to make folks have an enjoyable time at their show.
Make certain that you have an ample supply of business cards and if you have some nice brochures take them too. Get a one gallon bucket and set it next to your chair (we recommend a taller stool so kids can’t reach your puppet as easily). Clearly label the bucket “TIPS”.
Here is what to expect. Don’t go trying to practice your act. You want people to pay for that. Go to entertain. Sit there and wait for kids to come by. When they do, have your puppet yell “Hello” to a child. Engage them in conversation. Have your puppet ask them their name. Ask what grade they are in. What school do they go to. (Don’t get to personal since some parents may wonder about your motive these days). Ask little boys if they are married? No! Well do you have a girlfriend?
Simply talk to them as you have the opportunity. You may well find that your tip bucket makes it worth your while to be there and you will almost certainly pass out many business card and some bookings will result from your day(s) at the craft show.
Make sure to emphasize to the promoter that you will only carry on “family oriented” conversation with the kids. Nothing off color or objectionable. If you can’t find local craft shows, go to a local mall and see if they will let you set up at their mall.
Get busy. Jeff and Terry and others have paved the way for young ventriloquists to be more than welcome by people. Go get em!!!
Thats all for now folks,
Steve and JET