Something New
We often discuss the way that you interact with your puppet. However, it is just as important that there is good interaction between your puppet and you. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. Don’t just let your puppet look straight ahead at the audience while talking to you. Turn his/her head to look at you when he/she is speaking to you. Make sure that his/her head is moving at all times.
There are several other ways to create this interaction of your puppet to you. If you watch the really good ventriloquists, most all of them have some form of arm rods for the puppets movement. Maybe when you are talking to the puppet, he/she can look at you, shake his head and then take one of his hands and cover your mouth as a type of a sign of humorous disrespect.
The puppet can be talking to you, looking your way and then wipe “perspiration” off of his/her forehead. Watch conversations between a couple of people and pay close attention to the movements of each person. Then you can copy the type of interactions with your puppet. MAKE THE PUPPET COME TO LIFE. Do not just let the puppet sit still and use only his mouth. That is not the way that conversations take place.
Watch videos of other Ventriloquists. Pick out the good habits and try and learn from them. Also pick out the bad habits and make certain that you are not doing those things. As always, Practice, Practice, Practice. Get some armrods and begin to manipulate your puppet.
We will talk again real soon,
Steve and JET
Another great article! Thanks for sharing!
Awesome! Great reminders!