Something New
So often we watch Ventriloquists and find that even though they have good lip movement (or lack of it), the puppet still just sits still and appears to be dead except for its mouth moving.
When you talk to someone, you obviously move your mouth but then you also move other parts of your body to help with what you are saying. The best reason for using things like arm rods is to help your puppet with being able to “talk” with both his mouth and/or his body.
For example if your puppet is talking about how hot is was outside yesterday, he would use his hand to wipe the sweat off of his forhead. (Whew it was hot yesterday) He could use a hand to scratch himself or rub a knee or something else. It is always about making the puppet appear to be alive which makes him liked by your audience.
Don’t be afraid to use music. Make the puppet move to the music. Make the puppet dance. Just keep him/her moving all the time.
We will talk again next week.
Steve and JET
Thanks for your excellent weekly tips and reminders.