Sound and Lighting

Something New















A couple of weeks ago we asked for some suggestions on topics for the blog. One of the really good suggestions that came in was from a good friend of ours, Bill Matthews.

As I read through the article that he sent, I realized that there was really nothing that I could add to what he already had said. With that in mind, I just copied what he said for you all to read. If we all work together we can come up with some really good ideas for topics to learn from.

How about sound and lighting? I once did a show (I think I sent you the DVD) where the sound man only had the house mic turned on in the back of the auditorium and not the lapel mic. when he realized his mistake, he turned on the lapel mic, but then proceeded to turn off the house mic. As a result, you couldn’t hear the audience participation and laughter. It made for a “pretty dead” show.

I also did a show once where the lighting was only from the back of the stage. A lot of the sight gags were lost to the audience, not to mention a lot of the magic tricks I was doing.

These are topics that could be discussed for both indoor and outdoor performances, from living room birthday parties to large auditoriums in schools, churches, theaters, and stadiums.

Thanks Bill for a great idea to be aware of. We will talk again next week.

Steve and JET






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