Something New
Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions that came in last week. We will try over a short period of time to address as many of these suggestions as we can. First thing that we will address is just a part of the topic submitted by Joanna Daniel. In protecting your voice, it is important to take care of it in ways that reduce the stress on your voice.
About the best way that we have heard is to slowly drink warm water before going out on stage. The warmth of the water will relax your vocal chords and help you to be more able to clearly both speak and to sing. Although it was not pre-planned, the new character that we highlighted this week (Cookie), is a good example of a character that is almost perfect for singing.
Be careful not to get yourself into Copyright problems, but the old lady who loves birds and can sing to her birds while they scoop up the bits of food she offers them is an excellent type of situation. If you preplan your characters, you can get the best use out of both the character and your ability to sing. This can be done either by the Vent character singing or by you singing or a combination of both.
Play with some ideas of your own in these type of situations.
We will talk again next week,
Steve and JET