From time to time one of you will send us a picture of yourself and one of your puppets that we find most humorous. Sometimes it is the pose that either you or the puppet has. Sometimes it is just funny because we know the person.
This week we want to share with you a picture we received recently from our great friend David Turner. David is himself a fabulous hard figure maker. Sadly, he does not make many characters to sell or he would certainly be a household name in the Vent community. As far as I know, David only makes hard figures for his own use in performing.
One exception to this is a puppet that he bought that was made by JET. The puppet was JET’s version of a young “Arnold” long before he became the big actor and even longer before he became a politician and Governor of Cal-ee-for-neea.
This is the picture that David sent back of himself and Arnold.
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. It certainly is true if you ever met David Turner. We have been privileged to spent a little time with him and his lovely wife Roena at Vent Haven for the last several years.
Thanks for sharing David.
Thats all for now folks,
See you next week.
Steve and JET