Blossom – A strange new character for your enjoyment


Hope you have all had a great week. Every now and then, JET just takes a little time to do something out of the ordinary. This was the week for that to happen.

Blossom is a strange little creature that was born of a fertile imagination. Don’t really know where she is from, because she is afraid to use the word “alien”. Seems there might be a negative understanding of the word these days and she is a bit afraid to get caught up in controversy.

Here are a few pictures we managed to take when she didn’t know we had a camera in the room.






Blossom is 32″ tall and comes with a head cavity large enough for a large hand with JET’s signature mouth and thumb straps for reducing Vent hand fatigue.

For more information on her, see the “Available Now” section of the main website.

Blossom has a personal appeal just for you that she would like you to watch.



Hope you enjoyed Blossom.

Until next time,

Steve and JET

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