How memorable is your act?


We should all want to have people enjoy our act. However, the repeat business is what comes from folks having something to remember your act by 6 months after you were there.

What makes your act stand out? Is it some particular way that you are dressed? Is it the way your puppet(s) are dressed? Is it your particular style of humor that has folks laughing long after you are gone?

If people are paying to see you, then they should have the expectation of getting their moneys worth. Don’t insult them by showing up in a pair of sloppy blue jeans and a tattered old shirt. MAKE THEM realize that they have been to a SHOW!

Show up looking like a professional and that will leave a lasting impression in their minds. If old blue jeans and ragged shirts are all that you are going to give them, then they can just grab anyone off the street to be their entertainment. (And they won’t have to pay them.)

Your puppet can be dressed in a way that will help you be remembered as well. Be original and folks will want you to come back.

These are easy concepts to grasp but if you miss them you will be just another entertainer in the pack.

That is all for now folk,

Steve & JET

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