Sometimes we do a character that is just out of the ordinary, We like to think that most of our characters are just that, but this one truly is out there. …
We have over time explained that we try and do more detail in the puppets mouth because be attracting attention to the puppets mouth we can divert attention away from the Vents mouth on those (hopefully) very rare occasions when there might be some lip movement.…
As we labor to create what we hope are usable and good puppets, one of the things we most enjoy is seeing the puppet in pictures or videos so that we can enjoy the fruits of our labor. Of course its not really work when you enjoy what you are doing, be we do work hard at having fun.…
Hope you have all had a great week. Every now and then, JET just takes a little time to do something out of the ordinary. This was the week for that to happen.
Blossom is a strange little creature that was born of a fertile imagination.…
One thing that people have in common is that we all love to laugh. We love to laugh at other peoples expense and laugh when something reminds us of someone we know.
This week we have added a brand new character to the growing list.…
A topic that we are always hearing questions about is Costuming for Puppets. The same puppet if costumed differently can take on an entirely different personality.
Don’t be afraid to experiment. …