Your Help is Needed

From time to time something comes up that makes us realize we all have responsibilities in every puppet related transaction.

A couple of weeks ago we had a customer who we had dealt with a few times in the past. From the original contact, we had his name and address in our files and when he contacted us about a puppet we had on “Available Now”, we shipped the puppet to him immediately when his payment was confirmed via PayPal.…

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The History that brought us to Thanksgiving


As we come up on what to some is just another holiday, lets take a few minutes and remember what precipitated the event and what was really being celebrated at the original Thanksgiving. One thing that we must never forget was the price that was paid by the original European settlers for the journey to the new world that was to become known as “America”

It came about because a group of folks were in search of religious freedom and they did not have the freedom to worship as they chose when a monarch was forcing their native land to be dedicated to the “official” church of the State.…

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