The History that brought us to Thanksgiving


As we come up on what to some is just another holiday, lets take a few minutes and remember what precipitated the event and what was really being celebrated at the original Thanksgiving. One thing that we must never forget was the price that was paid by the original European settlers for the journey to the new world that was to become known as “America”

It came about because a group of folks were in search of religious freedom and they did not have the freedom to worship as they chose when a monarch was forcing their native land to be dedicated to the “official” church of the State.

These folks braved many hardships and left behind all that they had known and loved just to be able to cross rough waters and land in a new land. Once here many of these people did not survive, but the ones who did left us a heritage from which grew The United States of America.

As you gather next Thursday with family and friends to eat in the abundance of this great Country, take just a few minutes to reflect on the debt of gratitude that we owe those early settlers who paid the personal price to begin the whole thing.

The original Thanksgiving was the (meager) feast that was thrown by the Pilgrims as their way of thanking God for their very survival in the new world.

Next week we will return to talk of Ventriloquism and Puppets, but this week we need to remember where we came from in order to know where we are going.

Thats all for now. We wish each of you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday from all of us at The Dummy Shoppe

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