Do you have “ticks”? You should have. No we are not talking about those pesky little blood sucking insects. Nobody wants them. What we are talking about is the type of ticks that your puppet needs to give him/her/it their individuality on stage.…
Well everyone, it is in the final countdown for this years Vent Haven International Ventriloquist ConVENTion. If you have not yet signed up, go to and get signed up. This years schedule is July 14 – 17. Go to the website and read up on all the big names who will be there this year.…
This is probably the ultimate team of actors that you can study. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. You can be any more puppet and vent like and still not have a puppet and vent in the situation.
These two comedic geniuses were about the zenith of two actors that played off of each other just for laughs.…
Continuing on with the topic of relationships, last week we learned that you are an ACTOR and that you must act a role opposite your puppet character.
We started by studying briefly the famous couple of Burns and Allen with the relationship being one of straight man/buffoon.…
Something New
Do you realize that you are just 1/2 of a relationship? Your puppet of the moment is the other half. What we are going to attempt to do today is make you understand the importance of your relationship with your puppet.…
Something New
As we enjoy our lives and really love the craft that is Ventriloquism, lets take a short break and remember how we have the lives that we love.
When you get something new, you go somewhere and pay the price for what you want. …