The question has come up that some folks want to know how to use their puppet to show emotion. This is a good thing in that if your puppet has emotions, then it is much more believable that the puppet is actually “alive”.
There are many ways to show emotion. As you speak to your puppet, the puppet can visibly inhale and then give a great big sigh. Make sure as the puppet inhales that you raise the puppet up.
To understand this, you need to practice this yourself. Sit with your shoulders hunched over. Now take a great big long breath. Notice as you do this that as your bodies balloon inflates (lungs), the stomach swells and the shoulders raise up.
Now do this with your puppet. As your puppet exhales, (sighs) that the body slumps and the shoulders sag. Make sure (if desired) that the puppet makes a big sighing sound.
As you talk to the puppet, if the words spoken would be considered sweet and kind, it would be appropriate for the puppet to lay its head over on your shoulder. This with a contented sigh can show great emotion.
In some circumstances, you might want your puppet to show anger. To do this, make all of the puppets movements more aggressive.
Practice these concepts. We can talk more about other types later. Just work on these and see if it does not make a difference.
Also, bear with us. It has been a busy schedule since VHC, but in the next several days we will be posting 7 or 8 new puppets for immediate sale.
Keep on Venting,
Steve and JET
G’day Jet, Rose is safely back in Oz now, she is looking good. This is a good website,
We have just got onto it, I feel it is a good way for us here in Australia to see what you are doing, to get tips and info and to view new puppets you create, great work.
Cheers Eck & Jac