From time to time we like to address the topic of the many ways to keep your puppet looking alive.
This time we are going to work on the puppets hands.
Ever look and a puppet and notice the hands just look FLAT and LIFELESS?
There is no need for this. If you have a JET puppet, you can very easily bring your hands to life. All puppets from The Dummy Shoppe come with there hands and wrists wired internally.
Carefully take your puppets hand in yours and gently bend each of the fingers until you have put the hand in a natural position of your liking. You can change the position as often as you like.
You can change the position on “the fly” while you are performing to give your puppet the look that says he/she is truly alive.
Practice and you will easily get good at this.
We will talk more next week.
Steve and JET
Wow. Excellent advise. I just noticed the lifeless arms of my dummy Jessica in our 51 second HAPPY Valentine’s Day music parody of “HAPPY” by Pharrell Williams: