Well everyone. At long last the time is upon us. After 12 months it is time again to go for our annual dose of craziness at Vent Haven ConVENTion.
We are finishing up last minute details over the next couple of days. On Tuesday morning we will be heading up the super slab (interstate) for Kentucky.
This will be the biggest show in the history of Vent Haven. The 40th anniversary is going to be the most heavily attended in the history of the event.
To that end, JET have been working hard all year for this week. We will be bringing over 30 new creations for our booth. Next week we will be posting photos of the booth for your viewing pleasure.
Typically we don’t allow pre-views so we will put the pictures up at 6:00 A.M. on Thursday morning so that the Wednesday night opening is available first to those at the show.
Hope to see all of you at the show.
Steve and JET
We ALL are looking forward to this again this year!