Keeping Your Act Looking Fresh

From time to time we all need to take out our puppet(s) and examine them with a fresh eye. Are they looking like a million Dollars? Or are they looking like they are old and tired and need a little T.L.C.?

Look them over with a critical eye. Are all the teeth still in place? Are the fingernails all present and accounted for? Do you need to update the wardrobe? Do you need to use some painters masking tape to get some fuzz balls off of the fabric. Look for loose threads.

Make sure that the puppet is in tip top shape. Old and gross is not an acceptable way to look. This puppet(s) represents you and everything about your act. If if does not look like a top shelf character, then people will get the impression that you are not a first rate act worthy of getting top price for a show.

Are all of the puppets clothes looking just the way you want them to look? Check out the eyelashes, eyebrows hair on the head and any other details that might need tending to.

Always remember that both you and your puppet need to look your very best. People need to feel that they are hiring a real class act.

Thats all for now. We will talk again next week.

Steve and JET

2 thoughts on “Keeping Your Act Looking Fresh”

  1. luv your ezine’s thank you. I’m 76 and still looking at things to do.

    I found a wonderful Pinochio in an Op Shop the other day. He’s a big one and he’s beautiful so I’ve just got to learn how to manipulate him and get a couple of stories for him to work to.

    Thank you for your ezine’s they’re wonderful.

    gwenda hansford

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