A while back we did a newsletter on ways to get in the front door as a performer.
We just got a response from a friend of ours, Chris Thompson in Toronto Canada.
He was sharing a great experience that he had and gave us permission to share it with you. I won’t put words in his mouth as he did a good job of relaying what happened.
Dear sirs.
I had a similar experience here in
Toronto where l reside.
I went on a job interview to apply
For a factory job.
I am a certified psw, but have not
Been able to find work in my
During the course of the interview
The lady who works in hr asked
Me of my interests or hobbies.
I have always been hesitant to
Mention my vent dummy’s or
My collection of hand puppets.
I thought “well you asked”
So l mentioned my interest in puppets
Stressing that it is a hobby
I am not a jeff dunham!
Anyway she was intriged by the
At the end of our conversation
And before l left she mentioned
That l needed to return the next day
For a second interview.
I suggested if she would like l would
Bring “danny” a vent in for her to see.
I realize l could blow my chances
At any job! But…. she said bring
It in! I would love to see him.
I returned the next day and near
The end of our conversation she
Said what’s in your box?
She new……
I said l have danny !
I began my act!
She was anazed!
She started to talk to the puppet
Forgetting l was working him!
She called in another co worker
Then before l new it l had a bunch
Of people laughing and asking
After things settled down.
I was offered a poistion.
I start monday full time!
In addition, some of the people
In the office and my interviewer
Want me to visit their families
Birthday parties!
I try to keep my puppets non profit
And community and volunteer
Based, but they insisted they would
Pay me.
So two doors were opened!
All with puppets.
In addition l will say that the tips
And information you offer from
The dummy shop, steve and jet
Are incouraging and informative.
You may use this email as a
Posting to your members.
Immunimity not required by me.
Thank you.
We will talk next week.
Steve and JET
This was a great Awesome story to read.This is the first of i heard a person doing Vent and getting a job also getting vent jobs as well. This was amazing , keep the stories coming this is good news and inspiring to hear. Thank You
Trenon Graham