Vent Haven ConVENTion 2016


First, let me take just a second to say Thanks to everyone who dropped us a note of condolence last week pertaining to the passing of JETs mother. We deeply appreciate the amount of caring from the Vent community.

Now for important news. We just discovered that registration is at last available for this years Vent Haven ConVENTion. We now have our registration completed and are ready for the annual “fun-fest” in Kentucky.

You can get your reservations completed on-line at

You can pay with PayPal and in just a few minutes have the whole process complete. If you prefer to use other payment methods, go on-line and print the application and schedule. Fill it out and mail it to Mark Wade at the address shown.

This is going to be a year for the books. It is the 40th anniversary of the ConVENTion and will be filled with more good stuff than ever. For those who have never gotten to see Jeff Dunham live at one of his shows, this will be the year for that. Jeff has a large venue booked nearby for a full stage show. Jeff has graciously agreed to pick up all the expenses for ConVENTion attendees. He is paying for all the buses to transport us to the show and picking up all the ticket charges for all of us.

So, as you can clearly see, this is the year that will be very special and with the extra things that Jeff is doing makes this year a whale of a bargain for attendees.

We will talk again soon.

Steve and JET

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