This week we are starting a writing contest for everyone on our Email Newsletter. We have decided to open it up to those of you who read the blog as well. Feel free to use the premise of the contest to help develop your writing skills.
However, to be eligible to win, you must be signed up for our newsletter. If you are not a member of the newsletter, it is an easy thing to do.
Go to the right of this page and fill in your first name and an email address and click “submit”. You are all signed up and can be an official contestant in the writing contest. The whole purpose is just to have fun and improve your skills.
Now here is the official contest.
From time to time we like to sponsor a little contest that will help each of us in our skills as writers. It has been a couple of years since we did this and we think this is a good time to do it again.
Just like we did last time, we are going to give you a list of “contest words”. You will each write a short script to be used with your puppet in which you will use each of the words in the list of contest words.
You must be a member of our Email Newsletter in order to be eligible as a contestant.
Take the list of words provided and write the most clever script that you can think of using each of these word somewhere in the script. You must use each of these words at least once in your script.
Everyone who participates is a winner in that you get to improve your writing skills. However there will also be three real time winners as follows. First place: A $100.00 prize certificate good toward any product put out by The Dummy Shoppe, Second place: A $50.00 prize certificate good toward any product put out by The Dummy Shoppe, and Third Place: A $25.00 prize certificate good toward any product put out by The Dummy Shoppe.
Now here is your list of words:
The mall
Time out
Now get started writing. Contest will be over on April 4, 2015 at midnight. We will make a decision on the top five finalists and then we will publish them. Everyone will then cast a vote for their favorite script. The top three vote winners will be the top winners in order of the number of votes captured. In the event of a vote tie, we will make the final decision on placement.
That is all for now folks,
Steve and JET