One thing that we are constantly getting overloaded with all the invitations to all the different social media sites. While we love communicating with each of you, at last check we still only have 24 hours in a day and we usually use all 28 of them!
While we have nothing against FaceBook, Twitter and all the other possible sites, we have had to make some hard and fast decisions that we will not be participating in any of these at this time due to time constraints.
The process of creating new and different puppet designs is more than a full time job, and when you add to that the number of hours spent on answering Email from around the world, (many of which take time to run language interpreters) we have a full plate.
The reason that we are addressing this topic here is that we don’t want any of our friends to think that we are being snooty or are being rude in any way. That would not be the case at all. We love hearing from each of you and totally enjoy each opportunity to conspire with you in the creation of your new puppet design. The only problem is that if we get sidetracked by all the social media outlets, we will not be able to honor our time commitments to complete each of your projects as promised.
We hope that each of you will understand this. When we commit to a schedule, we don’t own our time at that point. You do. And if we don’t stay focused on the task at hand, we will be taking time that we don’t own for other less productive things.
Thanks for your understanding and we will talk again real soon.
Steve and JET
steve, thought, don’t abandon the social, it is a viable communicationa dn sales tool. try, say, just checking it once a week. like on the day you do the blog. let people know that you will answer, but only once a week. just a thought.
pax buddy,