Time to get your reservations for Vent Haven 2016

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Last week I had occasion to have a good long talk with our good friend Mark Wade, the Executive Director of the Vent Haven International Ventriloquist ConVENTion.

Much of what was said that I can’t go into, but I can tell you a few things. Next year is the 40th anniversary of the conVENTion. We are expecting blow out crowds in record numbers.

Mark tells me that for the first time, we have the ENTIRE Marriott booked for rooms. This means a few things. If you are walking down the hall next year, and you pass someone in the hall, you don’t have to wonder if they are also weird. If they are there, they are a ventriloquist! :o)

Last year at this time we had 172 “sleeping nights” booked. For this year to date according to Mark, we have 472 sleeping nights booked. In all probability we will be in overflow mode for rooms within a couple of months.

We have other hotels on reserve “standby” to accommodate our overflow of attendees. I wish I could tell you everything that Mark told me about next year, but I think I was told several things in confidence and I certainly don’t want to violate trust by letting out things that Mark is not yet ready to let out.

I will say this much. You don’t want to miss next year. If you have never been before, this is the year to make it for the first time.

If you don’t know how to get in touch with the Cincinnati Airport Marriott, their number is (859) 586-0166 . Ask for reservations. The address is 2395 Progress Drive, Hebron, KY 41048. Make sure to tell them that you are coming for the Ventriloquist ConVENTion. This will get you the special room rate that has been negotiated. The dates are July 13-16, 2016.

It will not cost you anything right now to get your reservations. The Marriott will take your credit/debit card number and reserve your room, but they will not charge your account until the time of the event.

Now I have taken all your excuses away, get on the phone and get your reservations for next year. See you there.

Steve and JET

2 thoughts on “Time to get your reservations for Vent Haven 2016”

  1. Hi Steve and Jet!
    I hope everyone is well! Because of your post I booked my room and am so excited to come back to the Venthaven ConVENTion in July. The puppet that I bought from you a couple of conventions ago, Sharon Isborn, has become my favorite character to use. So I can’t wait to choose another from The Dummyshoppe to use the $100 credit from your writing contest- I am so encouraged and grateful for that! Thank you for this reminder post about the convention & all that you do, & I am looking forward to be reunited with my ventriloquist family – my favorite people and certainly the happiest of everyone I know!

  2. I just made my reservations. Thanks for the heads up. I would have been disappointed if I had waited and missed out on getting a room in the hotel. I want to be there this time. I’ve missed several because of Leukemia and my husbands illness and death. I’m sure this will be a great convention. Can’t wait!

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