Getting the most out of your Puppet Maker (or almost anyone else)

We have tried to figure out why some of our customers are such fun to deal with while others are . . .not so much.

We have concluded that it boils down to the way folks conduct themselves. Some of our friends just let you know kind of what they want and they sit back and have the “surprise me” attitude about the results. These are the folks that are almost always the happiest with the product that they get.

They know that by giving as much space as possible to the Maker, the Maker has more room to run with no ideas and concepts. For a true artist, this lets their wild imaginations run free and they can be at their most creative. Good for the Maker. . .Good for the customer.

Others will try to sit back and “micro-manage” the project. As a rule this does not make a better puppet, just a frustrated Maker. Since we find that the majority of the people that fall into this category are those that really don’t have much going in the creativity department, they do not understand that when you give an artist room to play that they get a better puppet.

Example of creative freedom. A friend of ours, Jerry Miller, called and said “Make me a bat” He gave a couple of other suggestions of what he would like to see within the context of the “bat”, but then we did not hear another word from him until we send him the photos. Here is what he is getting for his instructions.


He is overjoyed with the results. We are happy and looking forward to the next time we hear from him.

If you will take the time to think through what you are wanting and just tell us the basics, you will get a much better puppet for your patience.

Thats all for now.

Steve and JET

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