This year again we learned something new at Vent Haven ConVENTion. It is one of those things that you could say we have always known, but never took the time to think it through.
Getting started in Ventriloquism can potentially be expensive. Not every young vent (regardless of their age) has the money to throw several thousand dollars on new puppets and props to go with them.
Again this year (maybe partly due to the economy) we saw several young vents come by and stop at our table. They were interested in our puppets, but it was apparent from the looks on their faces that investing around $500.00 in a puppet was just out of the question.
Later in the week, we would see some of these same folks carrying around the puppets that they had purchased for $50.00 to $100.00. It was really quite sad to see what they had managed to buy with their limited available funds. Some of the puppets in that price range are in short – pathetic.
Not their fault, but the fault of the makers who had not made marketing choices available to them that had some personality and character.
This set JET to thinking. Just because something is inexpensive does not have to mean that it is cheap. Cheap appearance, Cheap quality. Just plain cheap.
Maybe you are a new Vent. Maybe you don’t have the same financial limitations as some of the younger folks have. Maybe you just have too much savvy to want to spend huge dollars until you have learned your craft and honed your skills. Maybe you don’t ever expect to be the next Jeff Dunham or Terry Fator. Maybe you just want to play around and entertain your friends without spending a small fortune.
We think we have a possible solution for either of these cases. We call them “Kreative Kritters“. No bells and whistles. No Birth Certificates. No anything fancy. Just good funny puppets that are designed to be fun to learn with or to entertain. At the same time, they can take you well into your career as a vent without that investment that looks like a kings ransom. At the same time we had to do some things to keep the cost down for us. So to that end, there will be no similars.
Each Kreative Kritter will be a one-of-a-kind. We don’t maintain full sets of patterns because when you wear the puppet out you will just get another one. The whole point is that there are a lot of youngsters (of any age) that have $100.00 to spend (plus or minus a little), but that could never dream of having $500.00 or more for one of our mainline puppets. JET will create these as they come to her head and we will put them up on the website under the heading of Kreative Kritters.
Once you see a puppet, if you want it, better buy it quickly because there won’t be another one just like it. With prices ranging from $45.00 to $125.00 there is something for anyone who wants to entertain with puppets. . .and they don’t look like CHEAP puppets. Just inexpensive.
Our first love will always be full Ventriloquist puppets, but we want to help the new Ventriloquist get used to practicing with something that is funny and will give them some good service.
Without further ado, go see our line of “Kreative Kritters” (click here).
You will be amazed at the puppets we have up there. This week we only have four of them up. When those disappear, we will put up four or five or more new ones.
Thats all for now folks,
We will talk again next week.
Steve and JET