Who is your favorite Ventriloquist?

This is not trying to start a popularity contest between all the well known Ventriloquists that are out there. The reason we wanted to ask the question is to get you to focus on the Vent that is the most popular with you personally. We may never have even heard of your favorite Vent. The importance of the question is that there is something about your favorite vent that holds your attention.

Find some video footage of that Vent and watch it two or three times. Figure out what it is about that Vent that you like so much. In most cases it will be that they have developed their character to the point where you feel like you know both the vent and his/her character. You identify with the character or you feel sorry for the character but at the same time you come to expect something of a standard type response from the character.

Now take a piece of paper and write down a short outline of the performances of your favorite vent that gives you a skeleton to work from. Now using some of that Vent’s methods, restructure your act to be able to copy what most holds your attention about the other vent and his/her act. Don’t take his jokes, but copy some of his/her methods that hold your attention and respect. Change up on what he/she is doing that you so well enjoy, but make it your own act that is uniquely you.

Still be your own self, but mimic the style that you like. Is it the Vent’s timing? Is it the character? Does the character have a smart aleck attitude that grabs your funny bone?

If you study what makes this other vent so popular with you, you will in a different sort of way also develop your own act in a deeper and richer sort of way and will make your act more marketable to your own audience.

Thats all for now, we will talk again real soon.

Steve and JET

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