Feedback: Ways to Get It

We are all needing ways from time to time to get positive and helpful feedback on our performances. The kids in our homes offer some of that but they may not always want to spend more time listening to the same old stuff. This leaves us with the constant need to find groups of willing listeners while we try out new stuff.

Getting small groups of willing listeners together can sometimes be more effort than the results are worth, but let’s always keep our possibilities open for such small groups.

Here is a suggestion for you. Most of us get together with family and friends for the Christmas Holiday. Try to schedule just 20 minutes between the food, presents and football to get everyone there to sit down and “enjoy” a short presentation of your Vent skills. Make sure to spend plenty of time practicing in advance of the event. You want to get feedback of your performance when you are at your best.

This way you can know for sure the areas that need improvement on your skills and your act. Put in some new lines to try out. If they work well you can include them in the act on a more permanent basis. If not, you will know that they need further refining before being put into your “paid” performances.

The whole point is to always be using every opportunity to find time to try new material and get good feedback from people who love you and will be honest with you.

Let us know how it went after you get through the holidays.

That’s all for now folks, we will talk again real soon.

Steve and JET

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