For those of you who might have missed it, last weekend was the “Ventriloquist Central Birthday Bash” hosted by our good friend Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst at the home of the Ventriloquist Central collection in Malden, Mass.
It appears that a great time was had by all who attended, and a good number of the attendees are also friends of ours from Vent Haven ConVENTion.
Of particular interest to us was the appearance of a character that we know as “Furry Two Feathers”. Furry is the bear in the second row, second from the left. We know Furry Two Feathers very well having been present at his birth at The Dummy Shoppe. He is sitting on the lap of Dr. Wesley Mullins, a friend of ours and co-collaborator of Furry Two Feathers.
If you would like to see more of Furry Two Feathers, you can see him perform by clicking the link below.
Also, to see more of the events of last week’s Ventriloquist Centra Birthday Bash check out the Ventriloquist Central Blog and scan down for the last week or so to see some great pictures of that event. This event seems to be the formation of another great annual event and appears that it is going to continue to grow into a far bigger event as time goes on.
Check out
Thats all for now folks
Steve and JET