One of the real pleasures of making puppets

Something New

Miss Percy May










Every now and then something happens at The Dummy Shoppe that creates lasting memories. Last July at the Vent Haven ConVENTion we had the pleasure of meeting a young lady who goes by the title of Lisa.Beth.The.Vent.

We spent a fair but limited amount of time with her back then and she promised that she would come to visit us at the Shoppe at the first opportunity. Once since then we ran into her at another location but did not have much time to visit. At ConVENTion, Lisa.Beth had fallen in love with a puppet named “Miss Sheila”.

She said that when she came to the Shoppe that if we still had that puppet she would be getting it at that time. She was so smitten with the puppet that we told ourselves that we would just set it back for her so it was still available. This is not something we ordinarily do, but it was obvious that Lisa.Beth really loved this puppet.

Fast forward the story. On Tuesday night of this week, after getting an unexpected snow storm of about 1″ (big for Alabama), Lisa.Beth and her father arrived at The Dummy Shoppe. We were honored to be able to spent a fair amount of time with both of them and show them all around the Shoppe. Just as Lisa.Beth had said in July, she was here to take possession of Miss Sheila.
















We always enjoy when we ship a puppet to someone and then we get to see pictures of the puppet back from the customer. Those are the things that make it fun to be in the puppet making business. However it was extra special to witness an event so long in the making when it finally got to happen.

Thank you Lisa.Beth for making our day at the Shoppe. We look forward to seeing you again in July and maybe even sooner.

We will talk again next week,

Steve and JET

4 thoughts on “One of the real pleasures of making puppets”

  1. We ALL love it… and like PEANUT – we say HAPPY HOLIDAYS because we don’t know what the heck you celebrate.

  2. Thank you for everything! -The visit, the puppet, and your kindness. Your home was lovely and I really enjoyed seeing the Shoppe. I’m very excited to start working with my new puppet! I hope to see y’all again soon.

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