Something of Interest – NOT FOR SALE – Just for Viewing
Many of you have asked over the years if we do Custom Look-A-Like puppets.
A good friend of ours from New York asked us to do a Look-A-Like of his Grandmother. (We will call her Yental) Here is the one picture that we used for the model and then there are two pictures of the completed puppet.
We want to take this opportunity to announce something that potentially could save you a fair amount of money.
Starting October 1st and continuing through Christmas, we are announcing that all puppets purchase through our “Available Now” website will come to you without the burden of shipping fees when delivered in the domestic U.S. What this means is that if a puppet is shown on the site and it is not showing as SOLD, when you buy it, it come free of shipping in the domestic U.S. Unfortunately, we cannot offer this for our International customers.
This does not include Custom puppets and does not include any other discount that you might be entitled to.
We will talk again next week.
Steve and JET