Do You Have a Ventriloquists Bucket List?

the bucket list

The question of the day is Do You Have a Ventriloquists Bucket List? What is a Bucket List? In this case it is the complete list of things you hope to achieve before you stop doing Ventriloquism.

For instance (lets keep the list simple) you want to perform for a public crowd by standing on a street corner and performing for tips. In order to do this, you must go to a store and get their permission to work on their sidewalk.

Depending on the store, you may have to give them assurance of the type of act you will perform so that they know you will not be offensive to their buying crowd. Why is it important to has a wish to perform on a sidewalk just for tips?

Anybody can get a job and work for a specified amount of money. However, it is a real test to work for tips because it will tell you just how much value the general public puts in your abilities as a vent.

If you work on a busy sidewalk for two hours and only get a couple of dollars, you know that you need to go back home and practice some more.

On the other hand, if you work the same two hours and you find that your puppet case is loaded with a couple of hundred dollars, you have passed the test and you know the public finds you to be good and funny.

Then maybe you want to work for free in an Old Folks Home. Obviously, if you work for free, you will not make much money. Why then would you want to work there? There are two kinds of people who are completely honest. Little kids and Older Folks.

The Older Folks are honest because they have nothing to lose. Maybe they know their time is getting short so they don’t care if they offend you with their honesty. Whatever the reason, they will be honest with you. By the time you leave, you will know if you need to improve your act and in which areas.

You can come up with a lot of different things to add to your Bucket List. Pick the things that will give you the most honest return for your money. Things that will help you improve.

The more that you do these things, the better you will become and the more ready you will be to tackle the larger crowd with bigger paychecks.

That is all for now. We will talk again next week.

Steve and JET

1 thought on “Do You Have a Ventriloquists Bucket List?”

  1. There are two kinds of people who are completely honest. Little kids and Older Folks. Agreed!

    TONIGHT 9/7/18 is our Children’s Show at the Randolph, Massachusetts Public Library for our Drumming WITH Dummies/No Bully Zone show. Tomorrow is our Senior Show at an assisted living facility in Springfield, Massachusetts.

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