Just got home from Vent Haven ConVENTion. It was a great year, and we will be trying to gather up some details for those of you who were not able to go this year.
One important detail that comes to mind is something that we saw at our booth. Dr. Stevo Schuling from Germany was at our booth when someone else was there. They were holding the puppet on their hand, with their hand facing up.
Dr. Stevo saw that and immediately stepped up and showed them something they had not considered. With their hand face up, it left their thumb sticking up between the puppets legs giving the wrong impression.
We know that 99% of our friends would not knowingly take a picture giving this impression. This was a very simple thing, but could have been very embarrassing in the right circumstances.
We will try and get rested up and we will talk more next week.
Steve and JET
Agreed! After our second performance at the recent VENThaven Senior Open Mic, Darci’s coach and producer Gary Owen suggested that I should move Jerry further back on the puppet stand and that I should move slightly to my left behind the puppet. Where else is the word can you get that kind of awesome direction and feedback?