Many of you have noticed that we have not posted as many new puppets on the website as usual. Typically we post between 2 and 3 new puppets a week but this has not been happening lately. Just so you don’t get wondering, there is a reason for this change.
Several weeks ago we got a phone call from Mark Wade, the Executive Director of the Vent Haven ConVENTion. In all the years that we have been at Vent Haven, there has been on “anchor” in each Vendor room. That has never changed and the anchor in our room has been at ConVENTion “forever”.
When Mark called he said that there have been some changes this year. There were some circumstances that he told us, but I am not sure if we are at liberty to divulge these circumstances.
The bottom line is that Mark and other Board Members of the ConVENTion got together and decided that they would ask us if we would consider being the anchor this year. We consider this a high honor and were humbled by the offer. We said that we would be happy to try to fill in as the anchor.
What does this mean?
In years past, we have always tried to have 20 to 23 puppets in our space for the ConVENTion. This year we are going to try and bring between 35 and 40 puppets for display on opening night.
For now, we are working around the clock to try and get a full supply of puppets for the big show. As is our custom we are not revealing the puppets in advance so that Wednesday night will be a BIG Surprise on opening night.
Anyway, this is why we are not posting the usual number of new puppets on the site.
We will talk again next week.
Steve & JET
ooooh! how fun. I just love looking in the dealer rooms. Congratulations on being the “anchor”! I’ll be sure to swing by to look at all the lovelies!